Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library is a group of volunteers who do everything from sorting and reselling donated books and materials to keeping the outside of the Library functional and attractive. They also select regional artisans whose work is displayed and consigned to benefit the Library and the local artists.

A current featured artist is John Walls. He started his art work as a teenager and studied Fine Art at Millersville University and The Pennsylvania School of the Arts. In his painting, he uses a glazing and scumble technique. Images of his art on display in the bookstore are below. You can also check out his website,

Another featured artist is Elena White Pottery. Her stoneware and majolica are works which look like they should be on display while they are all made for functional and daily use. She has a wide variety of pieces, including bowls, cups, tea pots, butter dishes, and so much more. Images of her work are below or you can see more on her Facebook page.

Hand-stitched dolls clothes sized for Bitty Baby, American Girl, and Wellie Wishers are available all year. These are crafted by Deb Kramer and are sure to please doll lovers of all ages.