The Library provides a number of services and resources for the community. Whether you need to use a computer, have to print something, want to get a passport, or need research assistance among other things, we can assist you. Check out the information below to find out what we offer. If you have a question, don’t hesitate to ask us!
Computer & Wifi
Computers are available during Library hours. There are a limited amount and are assigned on a first-come-first-served basis for 60 minute intervals. Free public Wifi is available throughout the building and extends into the parking lot so that it can be accessed 24/7. For more information, click here.
A self-serve copier is located on the 1st floor of the Library by the courtyard windows. This copier uses letter size and legal size paper. Monochrome (black & white) copies are 15¢ per page side.
For color copies or copies printed on ledger size paper, please see a Library team member. Color copies are 50¢ per page. Ledger sized monochrome copies are 30¢ per page.
Scanning is completed by a Library Team member. Scans are sent to a valid email address or saved to a memory stick/thumb drive. Scanned pages are 50¢ per scan for either color or monochrome scanning.
Faxing is completed by a Library Team member. The cost is $1.00 for the first page and 50¢ for each additional page. A confirmation is provided at no additional charge. The Library also has free cover sheets if one is needed.
If you need to get a fingerprinting background check, you can come to the Library to get it done. The Library partners with IdentoGo to provide this service. You can find more information here.
Library Cards
A Library card gives you access to everything we have to offer. While you do not need to have one to come to the Library, we strongly encourage you to get one so that you can use the computers if needed and take out books, movies & more. Click here to find out how to get your Library card.
Do you need a passport to go traveling? You can come to the Library to apply for it! We have passport agents who are able to process your passport application. Please visit our Passport Page for more information.
If you need to print a document, you can do that by using one of the public computer stations at the Library. You can print on letter size paper in monochrome (black & white) for 15¢ per page or in color for 50¢ per page.
Reference & Research
The Library is a great place to access the information you need. There are a number of online databases and resources with a wide range of topics, from job searching to discovering a new language to learning about auto repair. Check out the list of possibilities here! You will need a Library card to access these resources.
If you are performing research, we also have a number of non-fiction books in a wide array of subjects. If you have any questions or need assistance finding something, speak with one of our Team members. You can do this by visiting us in person, calling, or using the Contact Us page.
Want to help support our mission & vision?

Elizabethtown Coffee Company
Responsibly sourced coffee beans roasted on site at the Library and served by the cup or pound. Rich teas and soothing tisanes are also on our menu. Enjoy our café favorites throughout the Library. All proceeds go directly to benefit Library programs and services.